So yesterday was a fantastic “find new ” day.
First, I found a Seagull 203 – the one in the middle – at a flea market, got it for 75Dkr, that’s a bit more than $11. I went off to another flea market, and here I found a Miranda Sensorex – the one on the left – in mint condition, it even had a working battery and the leather holster is also very fine. I had to pay 80Dkr for that one ($12)

Then in the evening, my father came by, and he had a ME for me, which I paid nothing for.

They all seem to be in working condition, and I just added film to all of them, HP5 in the Seagull, Sensia 200 in the Pentax and the Miranda got a Kodacolor VR 200+. Now only time will tell if they are really working.

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