Week 53 the final week of my 1 new and 1 new film every week of , it only took me 2½ years to post them all, Why? You may ask. Well there is only one answer to that question, and that is that I have almost completely lost the desire to photograph, both analog and digital. It's also the reason why I'm not posting that much at the moment, even though I have a ton of things to write about. But hopefully I'll get the passion back for that as well some time in the future.

As a comparison, I shot 186 rolls of film – both and – in 2019, 114 in 2020, and only 7 in 2021. And so far I've only shot 1 in 2023.

I'm pretty sure the photography bug, will return some day, and I'm looking forward to it. But right now, my passion for movies – and old VHS tapes – has just taken over for a while. Hopefully one day these two passions can go hand in hand.

As always the gallery below, shows the best of that week, and there were quite a few, the AE-1 and Natura 1600 is a good compo.


  • Camera:
  • Film: Fujicolor Natura 1600
  • ISO: 1600
  • Format: 35mm
  • Expired: No
  • Developer: Local Lab

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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