With a collection of just around 250 working cameras, and a habit to have film in multiple at the time, it was hard for me to remember what film I had in which camera. I had to come up with some sort of system, where I could organize it. So this is how I keep track of my camera collection, and which film I have in which camera.
It’s very simple actually, I just made a sheet in Google docs, and started adding my cameras. And in that process; I found out that I could keep track of a lot of other stuff as well, and the geek in me really liked that (I’m still adding things to keep track of, once in a while).
OK a quick walk through of the list. Of course the rows are the different cameras, no trickery in that.
The columns however are the interesting ones, so let me elaborate on them.
Camera | The name of the camera in alphabetic order |
Film Brand | Name of the film in the camera |
ISO | ISO of that film |
Shot count | How many photos on the film |
Date loaded | The day the film was inserted |
Expired | No, yes – when |
Type | Color, positive or black & white |
Note | Various notes |
Lens | What kind of lens on the camera |
Min. focus | The shortest focus distance |
Mount | Camera mount |
ISO range | Well the ISO range of the camera |
Battery | What kind of battery the camera uses, if any |
Film Type | 35mm, 120, Instant and so on |
Aspect | The aspect ratio of the photo |
Serial | Serial number of the camera |
Year | The year the camera was first made |
Style | SLR, Rangefinder, Point & shoot and so on |
Rating | My personal rating |
WWW | Link to more info |
– | – |
(three columns not in the images below) | |
Paid | What I paid for the camera |
Value | What it’s worth (or close to it) |
Note Two | More notes 🙂 |
Here are a couple of screen dumps, so the above hopefully makes a bit more sense.

I also made a list of the lenses, filters and other photo related things I got. With the same starting point as above. Guess I’m a sucker for lists, but it also helps me keep track of what I got.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
[…] this is in the making, and will popup sometime in 2020 – I already posted how I keep track my cameras and film stock. And the camera list tells me that I now have 255 working cameras, and I haven't […]