I spend the afternoon in company with my very good friend Tobias, his son Karl and my own son Balder, We sat out to get some things in IKEA, and on the way home, we stopped at a few thrift stores, to look for old camera gear.
We both have a Sony a7rII, that we like to put old – and new – lenses on. And I also like to look for old cameras.
We visited four stores, and I found cameras that I liked, in three of them.
I found as follows.
- Olympus AF-1
I already got one – and sold one earlier – but I know I can properly exchange it for a roll of film or two at my local camera pusher. It also had a working CR-P 2 battery – 25 Dkr. ($3,75). - Voigtländer VITO CLR
That’s pretty beat up, but the light meter and rangefinder is working, but unfortunately, the shutter isn’t.
It had a half used film inside, that I can use for my art project – 20 Dkr. ($3). - Olympus AZ-220 Widezoom
The camera seems to work, but it’s not a camera I’m gonna keep. Bought it because it had a film inside and two working CR123A Batteries and it was cheap – 25 Dkr. ($3,75). - LXI AF
I never heard of the camera before, I thought it was a Yashica because it was in a small leather bag with Yashica written on it. It takes two AA batteries, but I think there’s something wrong with the connections, It turns on and off. I might give a go at fixing it because I think it’s a pretty cool looking camera, and it has a 35mm f:2.8 lens – 7,50 Dkr ($1,13)
So, all in all, I think it was a pretty good catch, and for me, it’s just as much the thrill of the hunt as the actual catch.
Here’s the rest of the catch
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