
  • ISO: 50
  • Film format:
  • Developed: At home in Tetenal Colortec
  • : 6×7 II
  • Expired: No

The other film from CineStill – the first being the 800T – is a 50 ISO daylight film, they also make a film, that I will show some frames from in another post.

Here we have photos from the 120 version – made with my Pentax 6×7 – and I must say I'm in love. I did shoot another 120 roll a while ago, with my Mamyia RZ67 Pro II, but the film is so dirty that the photos are almost unusable, I think the lab must have dropped it on the floor or something.

The colors and grain in this film is just amazing, and I definitely gonna shoot a lot more of it – I got three rolls and three 120 in stock.

But have a look for yourself below.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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