I had two rolls of RSX II, both were expired in February 2004, and if I remember correctly, then I bought them at the same time, a year ago. Since I bought them they have been stored cold, but before that I have no idea.
I used the first roll a year ago and shoot it with a twin lens , it was the first roll of film I used it that camera, so when I saw the film and it had the spots, I wasn’t sure what caused it, was it the camera, the developer – got it developed at the local lab – or was it the film. And thinking the Seagull properly isn’t the best camera in the world, I first thought it was the camera that caused the problem, but I quickly dropped that idea, because it wouldn’t be possible for a camera to make random spots in different colors on a film, guess if it had been the camera that made the spots, they would be in the same spot on every photo, and properly be black or white. I’ve since used the Seagull once more and it’s actually not a bad camera.

And I’ve used the other film in my trusted , with the same spots in the photos, and then I knew it wasn’t a camera fault.

I have googled it, and found out that it is properly fungus on the film, that’s causing the effect. So keep in mind that if you spot, tiny white spots on a roll of film – here I’m talking about , because it’s of course a bit hard to see on roll 🙂 – they are properly going to show up as colorful spots on your finished photo. Like the ones you see below.

I haven’t been able to find out, why there are two different colors. Maybe it’s two different kind of fungus, or maybe it’s how long the fungus spot has been there. Anyway it doesn’t really matter, the fact is that the fungus leaves a mark.

This is the only time – so far – that I have see anything like this, and I shoot quite a lot of expired film.

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  1. This actually looks like Fujirot, though the film is supposed to be made by Agfa, maybe these rolls (like Agfachrome R100S Professional was between 1981 to 1984) was a slide film Fuji did make for Agfa, along with some other C-41 color negative films. The images from the Fuji camera look better than the Seagull.

    • Hi Nichoilas

      Yeah, maybe – although I have never seen the “Dots” on a Fuji film. But nevertheless, thanks for your input on the matter.

      And I totally agree, the Fuji are way better than the Seagull 🙂


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