Week 4 and as promised the first film…. yahhh!

I don't shoot a lot of CN 400, when I use Lomography's film I tend to use their ISO 800 film – or some of their experimental film – not that the 400 is bad I just like high ISO film, when I can get my hands on them.

The MAT LM, is not a favorite, but on the other hand I don't dislike it either, it's sort of an in between , if that makes any sense.
This time around I can see that I didn't really nail focus with it, and I find a bit hard to focus compared to my Rolleicord twin lens camera.
It's properly me that's something wrong with, not the camera, but it does have the effect, that I prefer to use my Rolleicord over the MAT LM.

All the photos this week are train/work related, well I only had 12 frames to shoot and a busy work week. But there are still a few good photos from this week, so here you go!


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