So today was another great day! I actually went back to the same one as yesterday, because I spotted some I would like to check out. But didn’t have the time yesterday, because I had my son with me.

Anyway, I ended up two lenses and a handle/winder.

The winder was for the OM-1, and there was also a Tamron SP CF 35-80mm Macro for it.
The other lens was a Nikkor-Q 135mm f3.5 for the FTN.

Afterward, I went to a really cool store, where they have some nice old camera’s, to see if there was something I couldn’t live without, and funny enough there was, a red leather limited edition. Unfortunately, it was only the camera, no flash or camera box, but I’m not complaining.

All in all a great day!! (or actually two great days)

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